The Official Plan outlines the objectives and policies to guide the short-term and long-term physical development of all lands within the City. Official Plan policies reflect the consideration of the following:
- The planned allocation and distribution of different land uses, such as residential, commercial and industrial;
- Means to control the development and use of land (such as zoning, subdivision of land and site plan control); and
- The provision of municipal services and facilities such as: roads, sanitary and storm sewers, and parks.
Policies provide for orderly growth and development, and compatibility between the many different uses of land within the City of Sarnia. While the objectives and policies in the Official Plan primarily relate to the physical development of Sarnia, they also include objectives related to social, economic and environmental matters. These are implemented through policies related to such things as housing, residential intensification, the location of community facilities and open space. Secondary Plans are included which provide detailed land use, transportation and servicing policies and schedules for major growth areas in the City.
Current Sarnia Official Plan – 2022
Access the document and maps of the City of Sarnia’s current Official Plan.