Learn about recreational burning and rural burning in the City of Sarnia.

Recreational burning

Recreational burning, such as a backyard campfire, is currently allowed within the City of Sarnia provided that the regulations outlined in the Open Air Burning By-Law are adhered to.

There is a checklist available for download (in Adobe pdf format) on this page that outlines the steps you must take in order for your recreational fire to comply with the items outlined in the Open Air Burning By-Law.

Many calls that we respond to regarding complaints from recreational open burns often occur because something on that checklist was missed.

It should be noted that the Fees for Services By-Law outlines the cost-recovery amounts that Sarnia Fire Rescue Services may pursue upon non-compliance. The Fire Officer will have the discretion to determine compliance and this decision will be final.

Rural burning

Rural burning for the purpose of obtaining a permit is defined as properties located on the outer edges of the city – generally farmland – burning brush and natural debris for the general purposes of cleaning and maintaining the property.  (Please contact the Fire Prevention Division of Sarnia Fire Rescue Services to determine if you can obtain a Rural Burn Permit for the property you would like to conduct such a burn on).

The regulations as they appear on the Rural Burn Permit apply to all open air burnings in the rural area conducted for the purpose of burning brush, leaves, twigs, etc.


  1. At no time should a burn be conducted to burn building materials, treated woods (such as pressure-treated, creosote treated), painted items, plastic, refuse, or anything of that nature.  ONLY brush, leaves and twigs and natural woods shall be acceptable material to burn.
  2. There is a fee associated with obtaining a Rural Burn Permit as of the start of 2014.  More information can be obtained by viewing the Fees for Service By-law linked to at the end of this article

The fees associated with not adhering to these regulations for Rural Open Burning, or of not first obtaining a permit prior to burning in a rural area are outlined in the Fees for Service By-Law linked to below, where fees for services procedures may be employed, determined by the number of apparatus needed to attend and the amount of time that the apparatus and crews are required to spend on the call.

There are no permits of this nature available for within the Sarnia and Bright’s Grove city limits.  The full by-law for open burning, covering residential and rural burning, is available by clicking the relevant link below.

Links and more information

Open Air Burning By-Law (consolidated)
Fees for Service By-Law
Purchase a Rural Burn Permit (renewals only)

For more information please contact fireprevention@sarnia.ca.

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